Since the start of the bird flu outbreak in U.S. cattle more than eight months ago, health authorities have reported 55 human cases of H5N1 viral infections, a startling number in a country that had previously reported only one. All, though, have been mild.
The fact that none has been severe has been a shock, though a welcome one, certainly. For more than two decades, H5N1 — which has been confirmed in nearly 1,000 people, largely in Asia and Egypt — has had a well-earned reputation as a very dangerous pathogen, with a case fatality rate in the 50% range, putting it in line with Ebola viruses.
In the current U.S. outbreak, in which cases have been detected almost exclusively in dairy farmworkers and cullers tasked with depopulating infected poultry flocks, none of the human cases is known to have even been hospitalized. Most have had only conjunctivitis, an infection of the membrane around the eye. Some have also had mild respiratory symptoms.
How is this possible? Scientists are stumped.
“If you find out, please let me know!” Richard Webby, who heads a World Health Organization “collaborating center” on influenza in animals at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, said when STAT asked him. “It’s perplexing, especially considering the high virulence these viruses have in experimentally infected animals or naturally infected mammals such as cats, etc.”
This is not to say that scientists haven’t developed some hypotheses. On some points, in particular, there is growing consensus.
Researchers have also already rejected some other possibilities, including the notion that some of the 55 cases counted so far weren’t real cases, but rather instances in which some small load of H5N1 virus had nestled on the internal surfaces of people’s nostrils and been confirmed in testing. (This phenomenon has been debated in the past.) All the experts STAT asked insisted that these are true infections and ought to be counted as such, even if they don’t manifest with symptoms more commonly associated with influenza — coughing, lung congestion, fever, and the like.
To try to get a better handle on the issues that the scientific community does think could be at play, STAT picked the brains of 21 researchers who have studied aspects of influenza — and this specific virus — for years. We posed a series of questions to them, sometimes in interviews, other times in writing.
The answers — which we have categorized in a series of hypotheses below — are illuminating in that they shed light on how a flummoxed field is trying to grapple with facts that challenge the accepted wisdom about a virus that has worried flu scientists since its first foray into humans in 1997.
Hypothesis: The way in which the virus is being transmitted — along with the amount of virus exposure — is limiting the severity of disease.
Roughly 60% of the cases detected in the U.S. this year have been workers on dairy farms. (All but two of the remainder have been poultry farm workers.) Infected dairy workers are largely believed to have contracted the virus through contact with milk from infected cows — either when milk droplets splash into the eye, or when workers with milk on their hands rub an eye. The amount of virus in milk from infected cows is off-the-charts high.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised farmworkers to wear protective equipment like goggles, but it’s widely understood that many don’t. Barns can be hot, and goggles can impede vision, which creates a different type of safety concern.
Biologically, infection via the eye makes sense. Bird flu viruses attach to a type of cell receptor that is not plentiful in human upper airways, but is found in the membrane around the eye, the conjunctiva. Other bird flu viruses have been seen to cause infections in the eye, notably H7N7. In a 2003 poultry outbreak in the Netherlands, 89 people were infected; 78 had conjunctivitis — sometimes called pink eye. One person in that outbreak, a veterinarian, developed severe flu symptoms and died.
“Sometimes infection of the eye can spread to the upper airways, but not always,” said Ron Fouchier, an influenza virologist who studies avian influenza at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
There’s recent evidence that can happen. A Canadian teenager with no known exposure to infected animals sought medical care for conjunctivitis on Nov. 2. By Nov. 8, the illness had progressed to severe pneumonia and the unnamed teen was admitted to hospital, where he or she tested positive for H5N1. The teen remains on a ventilator.
Ben Cowling, chair of epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, listed the route of infection as one of the plausible explanations for why the illness is mild in the U.S. cases. “Under this hypothesis, inhaled virus might cause more severe disease and the cases so far haven’t been infected that way,” he wrote.
There are number of infectious diseases in which severity is more limited when the virus is transmitted through the eye, noted Maria Zambon, head of respiratory virology at the United Kingdom’s Health Security Agency. The conjunctiva are “relatively immunologically privileged sites where infection can be contained,” she said.
“It may be that if you get a big dose of [virus] which comes through the respiratory route, lands in the respiratory tract, that’s going to give you a really nasty infection. But if you get a splash of something in your eye, you’re still being exposed, but somehow you’ve got a way of containing it, and it doesn’t become such a systemic infection,” Zambon said.
Webby, an influenza virologist, suggested the mildness of the cases could be attributable to a combination of factors — the route of infection, and the fact that the virus in the dairy workers is contained in milk. Milk seems to impede growth of the virus in eggs, he explained.
But a number of experts pointed out a gaping hole in these arguments. About 40% of the cases this year have been workers infected while culling birds on affected poultry operations. Their exposures were different, but their symptoms were similar to those of the dairy farmworkers.
“I don’t think the route of exposure can fully explain the high proportion of cases with conjunctivitis,” said Anice Lowen, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Emory University School of Medicine.
Marion Koopmans, a virologist who heads the department of viroscience at Erasmus Medical Center, said she finds it hard to believe that people working in dairy parlors or poultry barns would only get the virus in their eyes. These are environments where viruses are abundant, and there are activities that could put virus particles in the air, where they could be breathed in.
Vivien Dugan, director of the influenza division of the CDC, said the mild nature of U.S. cases might be due to a number of factors, including the volume of virus that is triggering infections.
James Paulson, chair of the department of molecular medicine at Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, shares that view. He said the size of the dose matters when you are talking about infection with a virus that isn’t currently equipped to latch onto the cells in human upper airways but more capable of attaching to receptors found on cells in the tissue surrounding the eye and deep in the lungs.
“You can get infected by a bird virus, if you get a large dose,” said Paulson. “Once the infection has started, then receptor specificity doesn’t matter any more.”
Dugan also posited that early detection of cases is resulting in some people taking antiviral drugs early in their infections. This may be preventing illness from progressing, she suggested.
But while early treatment may have averted some severe illnesses, it cannot explain the entire phenomenon. It has been clear from the start of the outbreak in dairy cows that human infections have been underdiagnosed, said Thijs Kuiken, a pathologist at Erasmus Medical Center who has been studying H5N1 for more than 20 years. Several serology studies, where blood samples from dairy farm workers were tested for H5N1 antibodies, have confirmed that there have been missed infections. Those people weren’t given antivirals, and they didn’t get seriously ill.
Thomas Peacock, an influenza virologist at the Pirbright Institute, a British organization that focuses on controlling viral illnesses in animals, sees the route of infection and the amount of virus people are being exposed to as likely contributors to the lack of severity.
Hypothesis: The version of H5N1 circulating in the U.S., the clade, is inherently less dangerous to people.
Martin Beer, director of the Institute of Diagnostic Virology at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut in Riems, Germany, believes this is likely true.
“For … clade strains, most human infections, also outside the U.S., were mild,” Beer said, noting that older strains of H5N1 triggered both more human infections and more severe infections. That appeared to change around 2016 when a precursor to the viruses emerged, one with a different constellation of genes than H5N1 had had up until that point.
Peter Palese, a microbiologist and veteran flu researcher at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine in New York, agreed this is possible. But other experts caution against drawing this conclusion.
“The clade viruses are definitely different, both in their ability to infect and spread among birds and the type of disease they cause in humans,” said Scott Hensley, a professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. “But I don’t think we should characterize viruses as intrinsically less pathogenic compared to earlier clades, because we know that one or two mutations can greatly change the pathogenicity profile of these viruses.”
The hypothesis is appealing, to be sure. The problem is, though, that there is literally no way to test if it is correct.
“To be honest, I’m not even sure how to design a study to find out why dairy farm workers show such mild disease but a cat on the same farm dies with neurologic symptoms after drinking milk,” Webby said.
The crux of the challenge is that studies in ferrets, the animal model thought to most closely approximate influenza infection in people, aren’t especially helpful right now. These viruses are still causing severe disease in experimentally infected ferrets, which in Kuiken’s view argues against a decline in virulence in this version of the virus.
Similarly, an astonishing array of mammals — raccoons, martens, seals, possums, bears, coyotes — can be infected with this version of the virus. Often these infections are fatal. Necropsies (animal autopsies) performed on some of these animals showed the virus infected tissues well beyond the lungs, including the brain. This has been observed in barn cats, and in a pig in Oregon that was infected in October.
“If anything, it seems the virus is more infectious for mammals, judging from the number of mammalian infections. In most mammals, the virus, once it infects, appears to be also highly pathogenic, with the exception of cows and humans,” noted Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, a microbiologist and director of the Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute at Mount Sinai.
The viruses circulating in cows could be less virulent than other versions of the virus, said Yoshihiro Kawaoka, a flu virologist cross-appointed to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Tokyo. But it’s impossible to prove that, given the animal studies don’t reflect it, he said.
Hypothesis: People are less susceptible to severe infection from H5N1 than we used to be.
Flu viruses bearing an H5 hemagglutinin — the protein on the outside of a flu virus that attaches to cells to initiate infection — have never circulated from person to person, at least not in recorded history. That is why H5N1 could cause a pandemic if it adapts to be able to easily infect human respiratory tracts.
But there’s another protein on the exterior of flu viruses called the neuraminidase — the N in a flu virus’ name. There are a couple of related theories that years of exposure to seasonal H1N1 flu viruses generate some protection against H5N1 in people, because both viruses carry an N1 neuraminidase.
H1N1 viruses have circulated, in one form or another, among humans for most of the past century. In 2009, an H1N1 virus from pigs that was different from the one that had been circulating previously touched off the H1N1 pandemic.
The neuraminidase of the 2009 virus — and its descendents, which have been transmitting among us for the past 15 years — bears some similarities to the neuraminidase in contemporary H5N1 viruses. The mildness we’re seeing in human infections in the U.S. may be due to exposure to H1N1 viruses in the post-2009 era, some experts believe.
Malik Peiris, chair of virology at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, has been exploring this question. He and colleagues reported in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases last January that they found high levels of antibodies that recognized the N1 neuraminidase of H5N1 viruses in people who had been infected with contemporary H1N1 viruses. Using blood samples banked from before the 2009 pandemic, they saw lower levels of antibodies that recognized the H5N1 neuraminidase in people who had been infected with the pre-2009 version of H1N1.
“We need to ascertain how much protection this cross-N1 antibody will provide against H5N1 infection, at least to mitigate disease severity. This needs to be done in experimental animal models,” Peiris told STAT earlier this year.
Florian Krammer, a flu virologist at Mount Sinai, is among the proponents of the theory that there is cross-protection from exposure to viruses with N1 neuraminidases. “In my opinion, [neuraminidase]-based immunity plays a big role in protection here,” he said, pointing to a recent preprint — a study that hasn’t yet going through peer review.
The senior author of the paper is Seema Lakdawala, an associate professor in the department of microbiology and immunology at Emory University. She and colleagues reported that ferrets that had previously been infected with H1N1 flu all survived when they were later infected with the H5N1 virus circulating in dairy cows in the U.S. Ferrets that hadn’t previously been infected with H1N1 all died.
(Most ferret studies are done in naïve animals — that is, ferrets that have never been previously infected with any flu virus. The results of Lakdawala’s paper imply this may help to explain why ferret studies involving the viruses aren’t replicating the mild disease seen in people — because they are more vulnerable than are humans, whose repeated encounters with flu viruses result in an accumulation of antibodies that might offer at least partial protection.)
Lakdawala said her group’s ferret data — along with other, as-yet-unpublished data that she’s aware of — suggest prior immunity induced by seasonal flu viruses “may provide a higher barrier to severe infection” from infection with the viruses currently circulating in the U.S.
But a number of flu experts are not convinced that exposure to N1 containing human flu viruses is the explanation for what’s going on. “This theory alone does not explain why we see no severe cases in the U.S., while the case fatality rate is over 50% in [Southeast] Asia; those in SE Asia had also been infected with seasonal influenza viruses,” wrote Kawaoka. Human cases reported in Asia continue to have a higher rate of severe disease than is being seen in the U.S., though many are caused by a different version of the virus than is circulating in North America.
Webby concurred. “There is good evidence that the N1 of the 2009 H1N1 is more cross-reactive to the N1 of H5N1 than the N1 of the pre-2009 H1N1 viruses. But I don’t believe the human population has changed,” he said. “After all, many people still get sick with seasonal flu despite being infected with those viruses previously. Clearly pre-existing immunity plays a role, but I don’t see it being a bigger part of the current situation than previously.”
Nancy Cox, a longtime former director of the CDC’s influenza division, also questioned the theory, noting that in 2014-2015, Egypt recorded about 165 cases of H5N1, 30% of which were fatal. “There should not have been so many severe human cases if the H1N1 pandemic afforded cross protection,” said Cox, who was part of a WHO mission to Egypt to investigate that outbreak.
Krammer believes that what’s at play here is a change in the neuraminidase of the H5N1 viruses circulating in North America and some other parts of the globe. The clade of viruses, which emerged in 2020, have a neuraminidase that is shaped differently than the proteins affixed to most previous versions of the H5N1 virus. “My hypothesis is that it is more susceptible to [neuraminidase]-antibody based inhibition,” he wrote.
Hypothesis: Public health officials were previously unaware of a significant number of mild H5N1 cases in humans, leading to a dramatic overestimation of H5’s feared case fatality rate. Only now are we getting a true picture of the spectrum of infection.
Of the 970 or so human cases that have been detected since H5N1 was first seen to infect people in a 1997 outbreak in Hong Kong, 470 or so have died. That’s a case fatality rate of about 48%.
It’s long been argued that this math — the known deaths as a percentage of the known cases — artificially inflates the H5N1 case fatality, because severe infections are easier to spot. Maybe the U.S. cases this year are fleshing out a portion of the iceberg that has previously been invisible?
Among those who have argued that the death rate of H5N1 has been overestimated is Palese. In a perspective published in the journal PNAS in 2012, he and coauthor Taia Wang argued the case fatality ratio calculated based on the reported cases and deaths was likely “orders of magnitude” too high. If true, that would mean the case fatality rate would not be double digit or even single digit, but some fraction of a percentage point.
Everyone in the influenza field understands the H5N1 death rate is overstated. But Palese’s position about the degree to which the figure is off isn’t commonly shared. “I am not convinced about such low pathogenicity, but certainly agree with Peter that 50% … is a substantial overestimate,” said Fouchier.
Wenqing Zhang, who heads the global influenza program at the WHO, said over the years serology studies have indicated there have been missed cases that may have been asymptomatic or mild, mostly in workers on affected farms. Likewise, especially in Asia, case surveillance is more likely to pick up severe infections — people who needed hospital care — than people with milder symptoms. The available data don’t suggest many missed cases in the general population, Zhang said.
“The [case fatality ratio] may change a bit if taking all these into consideration, but it may not be a big change,” Zhang said.
Even if these mild infections are showing us that this virus is not as deadly as it has been thought to be, it has a long way to go before the concerns of flu experts would be assuaged. “Please also do not forget that the most virulent flu in humans we know (Spanish flu) had ‘only’ a 2% [case fatality rate],” Fouchier noted. It’s estimated that between 50 million and 100 million people around the globe died in the 1918 pandemic.
And the virus the world is seeing now will not be the virus we’ll have to deal with, if H5N1 touches off a pandemic, noted Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. To do so, he said, the virus would have to mutate to be able to transmit easily from person to person; those changes could alter the severity of the disease the virus would trigger.
“So at this point, it is impossible to predict with confidence whether H5N1 will adapt to human transmission, and how severe the disease would be if it does adapt to human transmission,” Bloom said. “For this reason, I think the best thing is to take reasonable steps to prepare for a possible H5N1 pandemic, while recognizing it is uncertain both whether such a pandemic will ever occur, and how severe it would be if it does occur.”